Sunday 9 January 2022

From Millsy: 28mm Erin Celtic Myth (Sarah) and 40K Death Guard (Caprica)

Hi All,

Second post for me today, this one a combination of a single Alternative Armies Erin Celtic Myth miniature (to pay Sarah for a ride in her Start Yacht) and a bunch more 40K Death Guard. I've jumped to Challenge Quadrant Caprica for the Poxwalkers who are dooooooomed to shamble through eternity.

Alternative Armies recently re-released their Erin Celtic Myth range and I immediately jumped on board, picking up a bunch of Sidhe warriors for use in a fantasy SAGA setting. This one is the CM2-02 Sidhe Clan Female Champion miniature and quite lovely, despite it clearly reflecting it's vintage both in terms of style and level of detail.

Following my first post, I'm continuing work on my 40K Death Guard army, for use in both Kill Team and proper 40K games. They enjoyed their first outing Kill Team a week or so ago and bucked the trend by winning in some style over the Eldar. This time I am adding a second unit of 10 x Poxwalkers (I already have one painted in green uniforms). Lovely sculpts if you can say that about pox ridden zombies!

Supporting the Poxwalkers is a Myphitic Blighthauler (whatever the hell that means), again painted in the scheme of the Pallid Hand as per my terminators. Amongst the Death Guard themselves these are affectionately known as Inexorable Flanderizers, so named by the loyalist fools who fear them especially the weasly Raven Guard. Those paying close attention will notice a black space marine backpack sinking slowly into the ooze... I wonder who that might once have belonged to?

So that's 55 points worth of 28mm infantry, 1 x 28mm vehicle and a quadrant bonus 20 points = 95 points.

That's all for this post. Catch you next time!



A very fitting entry for Sarah's Star Yacht, Millsy, as milady is a redhead whose hair in her youth was as fiery as this figure's fell locks. Excellent!

The poxwalkers and the Blighthauler are fabulous. I've always enjoyed your smooth brush style and choice of colours and these are fine illustrative examples of this. I particularly like that Chaos machine - I hope to have one of these as my zippabout when I'm in my dotage. It would keep all those young whippersnappers in line, that's for sure. I had to laugh at your choice of their nemesis Space Marine Chapter. We'll see if Greg will respond by putting some Nurgle trophies on his upcoming Raven Guard figures. :)

Lovely work Mr. Mills!


  1. Love the Sidhe lady and those Poxwalkers look great too! :)

  2. Really like the Celtic lady, I’ve been eyeing those figures for my projects. I of course didn’t know that Poxwalkers or Blighthaulers were a thing. No idea what the6 are but great work on them.

  3. Wonderful work! Of course they match your Nurgle Marines colour scheme that I like so much.

  4. I love the colours you’ve used. Absolutely wonderful!

  5. That's a lovely finish on the Blighhaulerthingywhatchamacaullit!

  6. The lady looks great and the Blighthauler looks pretty? Clean? Neat paintjob anyway. :)

  7. Really nice job on these, I’m still enjoying the slightly different death guard colours.

  8. Cracking brushwork! One of my mates suggested that I try my hand at some Death Guard recently. I'm clinging onto the fact that I have never played 40K as insurance for my wallet! LOL

  9. "Inexorable Flanderizers" - oh man, that is a perfect name.

    Very sorry to see that some nitwit from the Iron Warriors left his black power pack lying around, only to have it passed by your lovely rendition of GW's latest different-yet-still-exactly-the-same-Death-Guard thing :)

    But outstanding brushwork as always Millsy - and the rate of production, wow!

  10. More wonderful weirdness Millsy, that armoured Lobster 🦞 looks the biz

    Regards KenR

  11. Lovely looking sidhe champion and the death guard stuff is ace!
    Best Iain
