Saturday 18 March 2023

From RayR - Almansa 1707 - Portuguese, Ilha's Brigade (31 points)

Carrying on with my Almansa project.........

Here we have  Ilha's Portuguese Brigade

The brigade fought under General Erle in the Centre 1st line

Once again I chose to have half in new grey uniforms and half still in their old blue uniforms.
The regiments are as follows.
Ant. Carneiro, Conte d'Aveiras, Conte d'Ilha's, Josep Delgado Pereira, Sebastian de Castro & Don Louis de Camara (otherwise known as Zamora).                                                                  


Ant. Carneiro

Conte d'Aveiras

So we have 6 bases of foot@5pts each=30pts
1 Brigadier@1/2point
Added together that comes to 30.5 points.

From TeemuL: Nice to see your collection grow Ray. I'm still not sure if these are miniatures, but on the table from the distance they do look like an army, more than 28mm skirmish forces. Mandatory half point awarded, too. One could say you have a cunning plan here... Very neat painting and I like the bases.


  1. These are going to look incredible all ranked up when you are finished Ray.

    1. I hope it looks as good as I think it will Peter?

  2. Nice brigades of teeny blobs, Ray! :)

  3. Nice work again, Ray. You must have collected a sizeable army by now!

  4. Lovely overall effect, the flags really help!
    Best Iain

  5. This is a brilliant project, Ray! I love the color you get out of the wee troops and the banners and basing. They are going to be a spectacle!
