Saturday 18 March 2023

From MartinC Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire (100pts)

OK, so I lied. I haven't finished. I painted these yesterday. They are Montagnards for Vietnam games

They are mainly dressed in loincloths and captured equipment. Armed with AK47, carbines and grease guns

The figures are from Westwind and are fairly ropey

but they were very cheap

and will get limited usage, but there is a specific plan

So overall that is 20 x 28mm = 100pts

Sorry and promise not to submit again this year, I actually have stuff to do.


Haha! I love seeing what you can get done in a day, Martin, even when you say you have other things to do - it's amazing. 

I had no idea that someone made Montagnards. Yes, they are a bit ropey, but like all figures they look 1000% better when painted up. Strange that they chose to depict them as half-naked tribesmen. Perhaps good for the French War, but by the American involvement they were usually fairly well supplied with basic uniforms and equipment. This all being said, I look forward to following your blogs to see what you have planned for them.

Finally, thank you again Martin for all your help with the Challenge this year. It's always a pleasure to have you with us, not only as a participant, but as a minion as well. Ta!

- Curt


  1. Cheers Curt. They are planned to be in the service of a rogue American colonel, so loincloths OK

    1. Ahhh, yes. They would be perfect for that. Do you have a strung-out war photographer to go with them?

    2. yes, The Assault Group do the exact figure

  2. Never heard of Vietnamese Montagnards to be honest? They do look great though Martin, nice work.

    1. The guys with spears in Apocalypse Now. Cheers

    2. Or the ones that Mel Gibson got his canoe-coffin from in Air America. :)

  3. They look fine. A day's effort? Huh. Thanks for your marvelous output this year Martin.

  4. I knew you’d be back. Great to see

  5. Cool - this will be an “interesting” diversion - don’t get out of
    the boat

  6. @Curt - Full Metal do some nice Khmer Rouge in simple uniforms which I think will also masquerade as Montagnards

  7. Nice additions, Martin, but unless you've been secretly working on more massive hills since Tuesday, I don't think you're going to take the number 1 spot! :)

    1. ta, as usual there was a massive sandbagger. Don't mind being pipped by a massive 15mm Napoleonic army

  8. Quite impressive for a day’s output! They look fine. I did have to look up the grease guns reference, I fear, which just shows how not into this period I am. Good job, Martin!

  9. Great looking Montagnards!
    Best Iain

  10. Fascinating set of figures!
