Saturday 18 March 2023

From PeterB: Animal Companions (20 points)

I thought I was done, then I had a brief surge of painting energy and finished off these. They are from Archon Studios (same peeps that make the Masters of the Universe range) and are in a similar hard plastic. Like the rest of their models these multi parts go together really well. They are from the Animal Companion set, 24 various models of creatures for fantasy or sci-fi, including dogs, cats, mimics and monkeys. 

They come with their own various scenic bases which are specific to the model (No switching around unfortunately) sometimes the feet of the creature is part of the base.

I painted up the sci-fi dog as a tribute to Gus, Miles' dog. So I shall use this opportunity to say thank you to Miles for his hard work being my minion for this year.

So, that's four 28 models at 5 points. That takes me over the 1000 points mark, an acceptable result I think, considering I really thought I was only gonna just make my 500 point target.

From TeemuL: What a nice bunch of animals, Peter! I'm sure Miles is delighted to see these. And it was nice to be a companion to you on the Wednesday for Lotr crew. :) And next time you know to aim higher!