Saturday 18 March 2023

From RayR - Haitian Revolution - Jesuit Priests 30pts

Its back to the sunny climbs of Santo Domingo or Saint-Domingue as the French used to call it for this post. I did plan on painting more Haitian Revolution figures during the Challenge but ran out of time.
I've actually got around 60 figures all base-coated and ready to go from AHPC 11!!

When I first started my Haitian adventure, I emailed Stuart from Dust, Tears & Dice blog, for some advice, he'd been painting up Trent minis for Haiti, which is where I got the idea from.
He told me to get the above book, as its a great starter for the period.
How right he was.

Early in the book it mentions several Jesuit Priests, that were trying to convert islanders to the Catholic faith, who unfortunately came to a very sticky end. So I thought I'd paint some up, they could be used for the basis of a game.

The figures are from Redoubt Enterprises, I didn't really need two of each figure, but what the hell, when in Rome!!!
As you can see they weren't  very difficult to paint up, which was good for me!
These points will take me past my target of 1000pts!

6 x 25mm figuges @ 5 points each

30 points!


A nice nudge past your 1000 point target, AND we get a treat of seeing some more figures for your Haitian Revolution project. Excellent work, Ray.

- Curt


  1. Great to see more on this project Ray. Will there be an AAR?

  2. Good to see you continue your Haiti project, Ray! Nice minis.

    1. I would have liked more from Haiti this time round, but alas the 2mm took over,

  3. Suitably unusual Ray - I like em

  4. Another great project of yours, Ray! Nice figures and painting, good job.

  5. Always nice to have an ecclesiastical post, nice work!
    Best Iain
