Wednesday 15 January 2020

From MartinC - Seven Year's War Austrian Cuirassiers (250pts)

Towards the end of last year me and Matt (not of this Parish) started building 7YW armies in 10mm to fight massive scale battles as opposed to our usual massive scale 28mm battles. I have a Brunswick force - well all the Brunswick army. Which is very nice and when I finished them I realised they were not fighting in our planned theatre of Prussia vs Austria.
Undaunted I assembled all the Austria troops needed from Pendraken to fight the 1st major battle of the war the Battle of Lobositz, the Kronoskaf pages are truly amazing.
One of the reasons to do this was the colourful uniforms with reds, blues and pinks on the cuffs and hussars in trippy greens.
I am about 1/2 way through the armya nd at the weekend I started the Austrian Cuirassiers - all 8 regiments. As I read through the uniform guides for the Cuirassiers i with struck with 1 shocking and unpalatable fact. In 10mm all the uniforms are the same, the bloody same! White coats, red saddles with a white stripe, black breastplate and black hat with no trim. Even the information on the flags is very sketchy.

The standard bearers all come with flags attached and the designs on the flags would be impossible to paint. So I cut the flag away and replaced it with a rod and made flags using my best Googlefu

The list of the units can be found on the battle link above, I'm not listing them all and close up they look like this

the next unit looks like this

no wait that the same unit.

This has made me grumpy but all the cavalry are now done, only 10 foot regiments and about 15 artillery pieces to do and I have the army done. All I have to do then is the Prussians.

Scores on the doors

120 10mm cavalry = 240pts plus any flag bonus and pity points

From DaveD. Well you are indeed barking ... that's a lot of white uniformed cavalry ...I feel your pain  lets call that 250 points for flags n stuff. 


  1. Looking good! The smaller scales seem to get a lot more love during Chalenge X, which is great!

  2. Nice work Martin! The "pleasures" of painting certain SYW troop types where all the regiments have the same uniform with no distinctions other than their flags. You should try the Russians, where only the hussars show differences between regiments (and then not always!) - at least with the Austrians you have variation between infantry regiments :)

    1. ta, yes it can be a pain but I do love the effect of the dozens of regiments. At least they aren't Naps

  3. Nicely done Martin. I agree with the Kronoskaf website, I’ve used it a lot for my SYW armies. You should do French vs Anglo-Allied, lots of variety in uniforms there.

    1. ta, loving Kronoskaf. I have a horrible feeling that in Challenge XX I'll have completed every unit that fought in the war for both sides

  4. Although they came at the cost of feeling grumpy these units look fantastic and should provide plenty of wargaming pleasure.

  5. I am gobsmacked at the sheer qty and quality. Well done, that man.

    1. Cheers, the quality is the same whether I paint slow or fast, so I paint fast

  6. It may be a pain, Martin, but just think how spectacular the final results will be with masses of troops like these. Keep at it!

    1. cheers, I do hope so, the idea came from a Battle of Blenheim display game last year. Looked amazing

  7. You seem to be lovin' the 10mmat the moment Martin. Great work!

    1. Yes I do, I have loads and James has just given me more to paint. Reckon I have 1000 pts worth to go

  8. They look really nice, especially all ranked up together. Well worth the time and effort!

    1. cheers, i do love them really. Can't wait to have a massive battle

  9. Nice work on these Martin, hope you're not still grumpy....

    1. cheers, i am but i have been to work so that will do it sometimes

  10. Lovely looking cavalry!
    Best Iain
