Thursday 19 January 2023

From GeoffreyT: Star Trek Ships (Yellow Brick Road)(40 points)

Hello Again fellow Challengers,

From the casting couch I duck up north to follow the Yellow Brick Road.

What is more cinematic than Star Trek Space Ships? Nothing really. So they are the vehicle to get me onto the yellow brick road.

I'm not a trekky, so had to do quite a bit of research to find what these pieces are. They came in an ebay lot with traveller 15mm figures. They are quite venerable. This one is USS Excelsior by FASA Corporation (1983).  

The metal is quite soft and it has taken quite some battering on the underside, which fortunately is hidden from a normal tabletop view. I also have a USS Reliant, but there is extensive damage on the top side and I'm not quite sure how to rescue it yet. The lost Miki's Wiki states that the original FASA casts were a very soft metal, with later Citadel recasts being more rugged.

This red ship is a Kzinti Space Control Ship by Task Force games (1979).  According to the Star Trek lore, Kzinti are space cat-people in red space ships.  Sounds a bit like red dwarf.  I wonder if they have a sentient hologram too.

This ship came with the original special round base with a cross shaped cardboard insert, but I preferred to use a hexagonal base so it will work with Starmada or Full Thrust game systems.

I'm not quite sure what scale these are, but I'm guessing they are 10 points each maybe as these two are quite hefty, but fairly easy to paint.

2 x Starships = 20 points

1 x Yellow brick road bonus = 20 points

Total = 40 points and some skipping down the road.

The Yellow brick road leaves me at the door of the Swords and Sandals Studio; we will look inside next week.


From TeemuL: The second post from Geoffrey throws us in to the space, Yellow Brick Road is an excellent way to the Final Frontier, and these ships are cinematic, no questions asked. I don't say I'm a trekkie (or trekker), but I have seen quite a lot of series and episodes and movies and in general I like them. You have done a nice job here, especially on the USS Excelsior, very authentic. Being a junior minion it is difficult for me to score these, since there's no scale or measurements, but assuming those bases are about 25mm, then they are probably quite close to 28mm cavalry models. So 10 points a piece it is!


  1. Nice retro ST ships. I remember cursing those space cats in Starfleet Battles

  2. Nice ships, Geoff! :)

    I've just done some checking - I remembered the Kzinti from Larry Niven's books - it seems he was the writer who introduced them into Star Trek. I suspect they also inspired the Aslan in Traveller and maybe the Hani in CJ Cherryh's Chanur novels.

  3. Great old times shops Geoff. Yes, Kzinti are the Klingon equivalent in Niven’s Known Space series, ie warrior race. I was a huge Niven fan last time I was into this hobby but they haven’t necessarily aged well 😉. Back at the time when I played StarFleet battles I fielded a General Products hull ship, but not too much fun with an impervious spaceship 🤪

  4. I, too, was a big fan of Star Fleet Battles. The Kzinti ship brings back lots of memories, although I was more attracted to Klingons and Hydrans...

  5. Very cool models! And the soft metal brings me back to when I first started modelling! Great work there!


  6. Awesome. I love the Kzinti Space Control Ship. Reminds me of playing Star Fleet Battles in my salad days (I remember the clouds of drones they'd put out).

  7. I bought some Starfleet Battles intro book from a second hand bookstore some time ago and browsed it last week. I can handle the tokens and stuff, but it seems to require a huge hexmap with numbered hexes... I guess not that mandatory for casual play, but still. And rules seemed quite complex. But it is Star Trek.

  8. They are fabulous, reminds me I have some to paint!


  9. Nice spaceships, Geoff, and a nice take on the theme too!

  10. Old school sculpts brought to life are always great to see - nicely done. Also good to see the Yellow Brick Road is bonus - did not know that. I should pay more attention!
