Thursday 19 January 2023

From GeoffreyT: Arisien and Pabrim (Casting Couch)(105 points)

Hello Challengers,

I lurch blinking and confused from the arthouse and stagger across to the casting couch.  Yes, a couch and a stiff drink is what I need after the Arthouse.

On the couch are Arisien and Pabrim.  Stars for the Rangers of shadow Deep Supplement "Across the Wastes".  These two characters accompany the adventurous rangers across the norther deserts of Lorenthia to find a back-door into the shadow deep.

On the left we have Arisien, the royal cartographer.  This is a home-sculpt, my first attempt at a human character.  I made him scrawny and elderly.  Like one of those old people who eats salads, rides bicycles and wears lycra in cafe's.  His bald fore-head and bare arm will get sunburnt.  He is clever but not worldly wise and did not bring a hat.  He did bring some sort of magical cape clasp, mentioned in the supplement but I cant remember what it does.

On the right we have Pabrim the cameleer.  He is a conversion from an AWI plastic mini, with a grey-stuff cloak, wire for a rope and a head swap.  Much easier than a whole sculpt.  Pabrim is a much more rugged character and has spent many years in the desert and prepared for what it offers.

But protagonists are nothing without antagonists.  This is Ba'tan the Djinn.  He is made from grey-stuff epoxy putty with spare heads and hands stuck on.  Heads and hands are the hardest bit, so why not use some from the bits box.

In tradition, Djinn are invisible.  But since Robyn Williams joined forces with Disney, they have become blue.

Here is the happy group together in the casting couch.  Since making these three, I have done a bit of work on doing faces, so now I can make something more plausible than Arisien's face, but hands are still a mystery.

There is however more than one cast on show in the lounge.  Here we have fifteen characters from the Stargrave supplement "Hope Eternal" made by Northstar miniatures.  This lot came as a deal with the hardcopy supplement.

The protagonists are Drix Nomat and Chella Rean.  Not that happy with how they painted up TBH, think I was lacking patience the day I did this lot.  These two are key characters in the story of the Hope Eternal supplement, which is inspired from 1977's Star Wars 'A New Hope' movie.

The antagonists include two enhanced mutants.  

two sentry bots and three drones

Some slaver bots

And a Grothek and three Grothek spawn, which seem to be some sort of 3 legged space pig.

So in summary;

There are 18 x 28mm miniatures.  Maybe the three drones are worth half like a prone miniature as they are quite small. 

15 x 28mm minis = 75

3 x drones = 7.5

1 x Casting Couch Bonus = 20 points

Total = 102.5 points and the excitement of meeting some real film stars 'in the flesh'


From TeemuL: Geoffrey with his first entry of the day and this looks good! Great job on the protagonists, but the antagonists are terrific - terrible in a good way, like the spawns. Bots and drones look like business and your at-least-partly-sculpted Casting Couch entries show great sculpting and painting skills. I'll agree with your scoring, but I round it up because of the sculpting and overall awesomeness.


  1. This is a fun entry. The Djin is great:-)

  2. Great work Geoff, love that Djinn especially

  3. Lovely work. I especially love the Drones and Slaver Bots

  4. Those drones look great - exactly the right "drone" vibe.

  5. Really like the Djinn and love that you homecast the cartographer

  6. Yep, love the sculpted cartographer. Well done!

  7. Your sculpts look great again, but a very nice variety in this post. Good job!

  8. Great sculpts here with amazing paint work!

  9. The blue of the Djinn is superb! Well done :)

  10. Wow! Sculpting your own minis is next level hobby. Great looking Stargrave monsters too.
