Thursday 19 January 2023

From ByronM - 10mm KOW Salamander Army part 2 (80 points)

After missing a week of painting and posting due to real life and work craziness I am back with some additional units for my Kings of War in 10mm project.  This time with lizards riding lizards!

Here are two units of Kaisenor Lancers, or in Warhammer Fantasy terms mounted Saurus Warriors.

I kept the riders with the same colour scheme as my infantry using 3 different shades of Scale75 instant paint for the skin.  For the mounts I used 2 different shades of green instant paint.  Overall I really like this paint (a lot more than the GW contrast paints) as it is almost a wash consistency instead of a thick paint like the contrast paints.  I find it way easier to work with and coats easily and consistently.

To separate the two units a bit I used different style banners between the units and yellow feathers on one and orange on the other. Nothing fancy for them, but they work at table top distance.

Each base has 20 mounted warriors for a total of 40 10mm cavalry figures at 2 points a piece for 80 points! 

From TeemuL: Nice to have you, Byron! Hopefully real life and work craziness is easing up and you can focus on this craziness called AHPC. Lovely cold blooded lizards, your math is correct. The bases look great, full and living.


  1. Great work, Byron! I love the vibrant colours on both the riders and mounts (though, being an elder race, I think they should be riding fattened up humans instead). :)

  2. Lizards riding lizards? Well, whatever next! Nice work, Byron. :)

  3. I can almost hear the thundering hooves (claws? talons?). Anyway they look great.

  4. Lizards riding lizards! What could go wrong?? Great work Byron, I am enjoying this project.

  5. You really put lots of details into these tiny units. They look awesome!

  6. Always love to see 10mm, these are looking good! Great colours and basing, Byron.

  7. Piggybacking lizards - really good

  8. Nice colours Byron, well painted Sir!

  9. Enjoying this project a lot - what do you think of the lancers' performance in the game?

    1. I have zero idea!!! I just looked for figures I liked and went with that, no idea if they are good or bad in game yet, I will find that out when I play them (once they are all done).

  10. Thanks Barks! They are a ton of fun to paint (and super easy!)
