Monday 18 March 2024

From JamesM: 28mm Necromunda beasties (30pts)

Hi folks,

Having painted the Escher gang, I had a few little pets for them still to do - with a couple more hopefully in the mail. These didn't take me too long, once I had an idea how I wanted to paint them. 

These creatures are 'Phelynx', which are apparently "gene-smithed Venom Cats are fast, stealthy and can really do some damage if they sink their teeth into you". The models are plastic, and come from the Escher Death Maidens and Wyld Runners box. In game terms, these creatures have a poisonous bite, capable of felling even the toughest opponents. 

My Goliath gang also had a pet waiting to be painted:

This is a Forgeworld resin Goliath Sumpkroc. The answer to the question "what happens when upper hive nobles buy exotic and expensive pets as fashion accessories, that they then flush/throw away when they are bored of them (or when the pets have eaten too many servants/children/fingers)". 

This creature is pretty big, sitting on a 40mm base. In game, it has decent combat abilities and can 'counter charge' anyone trying to charge it's master. 


Gene-Smithed Venom Cats? Sumpkroc?! Ewww!  And you guys gave me gears for some simple turnips! 

Seriously, great looking minis, James. I especially like the skin and cyber-gear on that Kroc. I'm sure he'd be Captain Hook's absolute nightmare! Well done.

- Curt