Monday 18 March 2024

From SebastianR: A little chicken for Chicken Little [Childrens Books] (10 points)

Wait, there's still time!

Enough time to deliver on this bonus challenge, unknowingly set for me by Dallas.

I manged to hookwink a friend into buying a pack of 6mm chickens, so that I could have one to claim the award for most lopsided points to bonus points ratio this challenge has ever seen.

So why Childrens Books? Well, I'm hooking this entry onto 2005's Chicken Little, a Walt Disney flick that I would never have heard of* without a throwaway line from the preamble to Axis of Awesome's only hit song. Apparently it's loosely based on the European folk tale of Henny Penny. Sure. Ok. Children's Media! And he's a little chicken... Geddit?

That being said, he is a bit of a chonker when compared to my GHQ infantry. Maybe he's been on some "premium" chicken feed, or perhaps the infantry skipped torso day.

I'm not sure how many photos you want of a 6mm chicken, but there's a mandatory minimum of 3, so here he is, the smallest thing I've ever painted, perched on the biggest thing I've ever painted.

I claim 0.25 points for this figure, half that of a 6mm foot figure, and 20 for the challenge and immortalisation in the challenge hall of fame for most lopsided points ratio!

*That being said, I have extremely vague memories of the marketing.


Queue eyeroll from GregB... :)

Yep, that's a little chicken for Chicken Little, no doubt about it. Nonetheless, as per the story you neglected to model the sky falling on Chicken Little, so I'm going to reduced the total to 10 points for the grievous oversight. 

Good one Sebastian.  :)


  1. If that dragon leans to the right it will be worse than the sky falling. :)

  2. Good effort here Sebastian, especially on a free model. As for the Points Chisellers' Hall of Fame, nominating yourself for it is like giving yourself a nickname: it's just not done, mate :-) But seriously, thanks for participating in the Challenge this year!

  3. This kind of reminds me of this:

  4. Best chicken of the Challenge.
