Saturday 16 January 2021

from RayR - Haitian Revolution - The Generals 20pts


For my next entry into the Challenge I've gone back to Napoleonics. The Haitian Revolution to be precise! 

The English General on the right is from Trent Miniatures.

While the Haitian General is from Front Rank. Apart from his head!

The figures is actually a French Officer/General, I can't find him on their site? 
I chopped off his head in true French style and replaced it with  a Trent Minis head to represent a black officer, either fighting for or against the French.

I painted the English General up with green cuffs, I'm not 100% decided if he's from the 39th Foot of 69th, who were both pretty unhappy to be sent to Saint Domingo at the time.

These fine looking fellows will add 20 points to my total!


  1. Great looking commanders Ray. The head swop worked a treat. Lots of potential game possibilities along with lots of tragedy in the Haitian revolution.

  2. Lovely pair of officers! I think I would have been unhappy to be sent there at that time, given the probability of gruesome death from tropical diseases!
    Best Iain

    1. Too right. Most of the French army sent out there were dead within a few months, pretty frightening really.

  3. Very nice brace of commanders! I think your guillotine head swap came off swimmingly. Great work Ray!

  4. Couple of great Command Bases Ray, Bob on mate 👌
    Regards KenR

  5. this is a great project, you need more maroons though, one of the 2 things I know about this revolution

    1. I've got quite a few already. Could do with a few more though?

  6. Nice conversion and great painting.

  7. Great conversion for a unique aspect of the Napoleonic Wars - very nicely done, Sir
