Saturday 16 January 2021

Heroquest Chaos Warrior - The armoury, Mark Backhouse (25 points)

 For the armoury the next challenge was something armoured. Along with painting lots of ancients in 2mm I’m also painting a few Realms of Chaos Oldhammer figures as a bit of escapism. I managed to find a few old Chaos Warriors and decided they deserved a repaint. I’d seen some beautiful repainted Heroquest figures recently which served as inspiration. The best thing about Heroquest certainly isn’t the Barbarian, no sir! This figure is the best! This one was painted in blue to be a warrior of Tzeentch as I’ve already got a champion for Khorne and Slaanesh. I might do the others as servers of other dark gods later, and it would be rude not to convert one as a champion of Nurgle at a later date.

For a single piece plastic figure from thirty years ago I think he came out really nicely. The simplicity of the figure made him a real pleasure to paint. I’ll add some daft backstory to him and enjoy reliving my youth with a few games with him.

I’d actually painted this chap right at the start of the challenge but saved him for this room in the dungeon.
Hopefully had ticks the armoured figure requirements nicely for the challenge so I make that 20 points for the challenge and 5 for the single 28mm figure. A total of 25 points.
On now to the hall of ancestors... hmmm I wonder what I could do for that?
Mark Backhouse


  1. Nice work on this venerable figure Mark. Love the blue armour.

  2. Love to see the Heroquest models get a paint job. well done!

  3. A classic miniature, I like his blue-purple armour, and nice crisp painting.

  4. Great old school chaos warrior! Lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  5. Takes me back this figure, its lovely 👍
    Regards KenR

  6. Classic! And another skull to your tally.

  7. The nostalgia is hitting home with this mini. Awesome work.

  8. Oooh, yes, that's a classic for sure. That pose seems to have made the rounds at GW at that time (I seem to remember some Eldar looking similar).

  9. Nice work! I don't know why, when seeing him I thought "this guy must be the ancestor of The Mandalorian"

  10. 'Ain't no school like Old School! He's terrific, Mark... love the shade of blue as well. Top work!
