Saturday 16 January 2021

From SidneyR: In The Larder ! (25 points)

After my flurry of postings around Christmas and New Year, it's been back to work for me - with, sadly, reduced painting time.  I've been trying a spend a few minutes a day with the paints and brushes, and there are a few things in the pipeline.... but, until they make it here to the Challenge XI Blog, here's my post for 'The Larder'.

It's a dwarf, well on the way to being drunk in a dungeon larder, enjoying a pipe of Old Toby (or Old Socks, perhaps).  I've had the figure for many years, being part of Bugman's Cart from Citadel/ Games Workshop.  For some reason, I didn't make the cart, and the dwarf has been glowering at me from my spares box ever since.

Hopefully, he's happier now, being positioned in a far preferable location with a plentiful supply of beer and pouch of tobacco

As for the points, a very modest 5 points for the dwarf, and 20 for "The Larder", to add a few more clicks to my total.

And, in keeping with this beer-y entry, I finished the 'The Larder' last night with a very pleasant bottle of Straffe Hendrik - a strong, dark, but excellent Belgian beer which goes well with just about anything.

I think that's the first level of the Challenge Chambers completed for me, with hopefully a lot more painting to come!


  1. Excellent Dwarf Sydney. I hope that you enjoyed your pint as much as he did. Do the four handles make it easier or more difficult to grasp after a few rounds?

    1. Thanks so much, Peter! The beer was very nice indeed - one has to make lockdown bearable, after all ;) !)

      The four handles are a Flemish thing, which come with a fun story which a good friend told me about when I was getting drunk in Antwerp one night. If only I can remember... ;)

  2. Great figure, reminds me of a night I can barely remember

  3. Great looking carousing dwarf!
    Best Iain

  4. Well done on that model Mr. R!

  5. Welcome back Sidney, I nearly sent a search party out for you 😁
    Regards KenR

    1. I was lost under a mountain - sadly of paperwork, and not the Misty Mountains ;)

  6. I've got that dwarf! The cart was a pain to assemble for an inexperienced modeller, as I then was.

    1. I still have the cart somewhere. I might have to find some halflings to take over that gig :)

  7. A very merry looking dwarf. Well done.

  8. Wonderful vignette Sid! 'Old Socks' indeed! That beer looks delicious and the mug is obviously made for those who become less dextrous over the course of the night.

    1. Thank you, Curt! The beer was very good. I got four bottles and am saving the other three for later in the Challenge! Extra handles on the mug are undeniably useful!

  9. Well done Sidney, looks an splendid "jumpoff point" for a fantasy adventures game

    1. Thank you, Benito! A fiendish jump-off point... Each adventurer needs to roll to leave the delicious beer refreshment point, with the roll getting harder as time progresses :)

  10. Lol! Very jovial scene Sidney and wonderfully done!

