Saturday 16 January 2021

From Barks: One witch, two witch, red witch, blue witch (35 points)

These are two mage figures from the Descent boardgame- she is the same person, but one is 'good' mode and one is 'evil' mode.

I'm learning with Contrast here, and thought I would do these figures with a rattlecan zenithal primer from black to white. However, the pale colours (particularly flesh tones) don't cover the dark shades at all, which I should have anticipated. It looked adequate, but not the effect I wanted. I was able to salvage them, however, through more conventional painting.

If you can't handle me at my worst...

... you don't deserve me at my best.

2x 28mm figures: 10 points

Teleporter use: 20 points

Sorceress Bonus: 5 points

Skullz: 2