Thursday 4 February 2021


Happy Thursday!

Just a note that the updating of the score table will occur a little later than usual due to some work commitments.  I apologize to all of you for displaying such poor judgment by prioritizing my professional responsibilities over my fiduciary obligations to the Challenge.

I really can't explain myself - I just screwed up.  I do hope each and every one of you can look deeply into your hearts and find the will to forgive me.

Of course, if you do choose to be jerks about it, then I can not be held responsible if, while in my despair, errors occur within the holy spreadsheet that result in whole jerk-related submissions being erased.  I'm an emotional tinder box, just waiting to explode.  Yup that's me - Mr Sensitivity.

Now you riff raff should get back to painting.


  1. Last week I was thinking it was Friday since Wednesday, this week not so bad.

  2. We understand Miles, but you’re the one who has to look yourself in the mirror every morning.
