Sunday 14 March 2021

BruceR, 28mm Gallic Cavalry, 60 pts,

Here are six cavalry figures I took out of the bin and I've had them for at least 10 years if not longer.  These were purchased with a friend who thought "look these Wargames Factory figures are cheap as chips so lets build X.    I bought 2-3 bags of plastic.   Whatever the plan was it didn't happen.   I freely admit I prefer metal figures.  So now Infamy Infamy has me in "need" of another noble cavalry unit.  

Now I have painted far more than I thought I would entering the Challenge.  Covid, empty nester, no travel may have been a catalyst.  I'm fearful of next years need to estimate a goal.  
I did prime a number of figures ahead of time and this is the last batch of primed prior to the Challenge.  I did get the urge for other periods and got sidetracked and painted out of line.   

These figures did not have shields in the bag I found them in, as I had obviously used them somewhere else.  So I found some shields and transfers around the cave and behold Gallic Nobles.  I realize the shields might be more for foot, yet my theory is any shield is a good shield if somebody is trying to kill you.   
The transfers are LBM and the shields are metal, I think were extra from Warlord blisters.  Now the figures are not great.  Early plastic and not much character.  Plus gluing heads, arms, weapons, just makes me shudder.  To each his own.  

Infamy Gallic Noble Cavalry

Stay safe.

6 28mm mounted 60 pts.


  1. Cheap figures can be a curse!
    Nice work on these Gallic horsemen

  2. Wargames factory Celtic cavalry are pretty ropey but you've made them look first class!
    Best Iain
