Sunday 14 March 2021

From GuyB: [The Larder] Be our guest, be our guest! [30 points]

I must admit I was stuck for a good idea of what to do with the Larder challenge. That is until I found these two waiters (sorry, garçons) in my Cthulhu collection.

The models are two butlers from the Civilians and Townsfolk range from Black Cat Bases. The models come with 'slotta' bases - but as I can't stand 'pedestal' bases, I cut them down and mounted them on plastic bases (Warlord 20mm square ones as they were thicker and I didn't have any MDF ones to hand).

So I will use these in several settings. For Cthulhu, naturally and perhaps as bystanders for WW2 games. (I make it 10 points for the two gents and 20 points bonus, altho they might be worth a few more points for being French garçons?).


  1. You're on fire Guy! Well done. What a great looking pair, though, by their shifty looks, I wouldn't trust them a bit. It's nice to run into another hobbyist who dislikes slottabasing (I've always hated them).

  2. They look great. I’m with you on s lotta bases.
    Their eyes look shifty because the think Campbell is pocketing the silverware

  3. Very nice duo! (I don't mind slottabases)

  4. You can now play a murder mistery, it was the buttler who done it!

  5. Lovely pair of staff!
    Best Iain
