Sunday 14 March 2021

From GeorgeS - Knights Solar - ( 30 Points)

       I'm back again and here we have another Old Toy Soldier come to life!! ( yes,..again..haha)

     This is a Kelloggs ( made by Crescent?) plastic Knight in 1:32 scale from the 60's. Arrived to me in a bad scratched and playworn condition, but fortunately , unpainted and complete. No missing or broken parts. The plastic surface was very damaged and it is still visible in it's face. I didn't want to correct something there as it would be a disaster.. So painted the face over the scratches..

    Another beautiful little old guy for my collection! Hope you enjoy  :) 

       Running against the clock now, to paint a female figure for Lady Sarah since I have no creative idea for the next room... See you soon again...(hope so!) 

'Till next time

Keep Up the Brushes!!


  1. Love it! I remember pawing through a bag of cereal for one of those.

  2. Very nice. I seem to recall having a Kellogg's figure - I think it was a guardsman in a busby.

  3. Great looking fellow - nice to see old figures brought to life. Especially like the stripes.

  4. Lovely looking knight George!

    1. Thank you Curt. This could also be my entry for "Oubliette" since it is one of the figures that waited too much time in the self to be painted..

  5. Great stuff, that face looks like he suffered a bad burn somewhere along the line so works well with the character!

  6. I must say at first I couldn't believe it to be such a cheap figure at all, you have really levelled it up (is that a word?) very good!

    1. Thank you my friend! Really enjoy to bring them to life!!

  7. Great looking knight, cheap or not!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks lain! Vintage I would say. Due to it's age is a valuable figure to me anyway :)
