Sunday 14 March 2021

From RossM - 28mm Norman Crossbow and Caesarian Roman Scorpion. (25 points)

 Last month sort of passed by in a flash and here we are a week from the finishing line. So time to get a few more points on the score board. 

First up is a single Norman Crossbowman from Gripping Beast. It's the figure on the front near corner that was painted during this challenge, the others were completed at some point throughout 2020. 

These are for use as Normans, Christian Spanish troops and mercenaries and possibly even Crusaders from the 1st Crusade. 

Next, is a Scorpion from Warlord Games and this will be a part of a Marian/Caesarian Roman army that I have been painting over that last year or so. The figures in the background are a part of this army however, have not been painted as a part of this year's Challenge. More is the pity as the points would be good. 

The Scorpion and supporting infantry have all been painted using a block, wash and highlight method of painting. This is my version of speed painting and gives a rewarding finish for the table top. The highlight is normally the same colour as the base allowing the toning wash to do its work. 

The pic below has decided to remain at the imported size and won't allow any changes to be made; strange. 

So in terms of points I reckon this to worth the following:

1 x 28mm infantryman - 5 points
1 x 28mm artillery piece - 10 points
2 x 28mm crew men for the above - 10 points

Subtotal for the entry is - 25 points

Running total is 112 points from 600 or 18.67% completed so far. There is a lot in the sidelines however, it's going to be tough to complete in the time left to do so. 

Stay safe and cheers for now