Sunday 14 March 2021

From Jez Todd: Week 12 - Landsknechts - 15 points

 Hi All 

Bit slow week as only 3 figures painted - still I suppose they are Landsknechts. Got sidetracked in touching up my Imperialist army - the lead is mainly old Hinchcliffe, painted ...ahem ...over 30 years ago! They needed a freshen up as they all looked a bit dated, not helped by the "old school" way I had based them up. As I play Impetus I wanted to use more of the diorama basing style I have with the more recent armies. 

Anyway what better way to freshen up a unit than by adding an extra standard bearer. This is a  Hinchcliffe artillery figure, that has one of the brilliant Pete's flag standards. I switched and added him into the back base for a pike block. 

The second figure is a Foundry shot - I needed him to make up the missing figure for another skirmish unit. Chose the classic yellow as really wanted to show that it was a Landsknecht unit. 

 Finally I had an Artisan halberdier that was kicking around. I added him to another couple of foot to make a foot command base - handy if I decide to put my General with a pike unit. 

  So just 15 points - will try to get another post in just to finish off the Challenge. Have a great final few days all. 

Cheers Jez


  1. Nice landskenchts - 3 in a week is not bad going!

  2. Great looking Landsknechts, Jezz! I gave you a couple extra points for the banner.

  3. Very characterful figures!

  4. Great work Zez. The6 fit right into your stands.

  5. Always nice to see landsknechts! They look great!
    Best Iain
