Wednesday 6 January 2021

From George S - Cherilea 60mm Indians Repainting project - 20 points

    Hi there, two figures just for points for today. These are 60mm figures but you can count them as, classic 54mm scale for scoring. 

   I have cleaned up and prepared 11 of these figures in order to repaint-remodel them for my collection.
Finally the first two of them are ready. I choose fancy colours for them in order to look more like toy soldiers of the 60-70s( as they actually are!) , than realistic models. Although I couldn't keep my self from adding some more realistic elements.
   The base is painted as closer to their original green colour and the pallet of chosen colours is randomly selected from small paint remaining on the figures before cleanning up.
   Of course the skin on these figures  wasn't painted in their original state but I couldn't just leave it this way..
 Check out my blog to see more pictures of the original state and the preparation some weeks before..

    9 more to come....Hope you like them :)


'Till next time....

Keep Up The Brushes!!


What a great project George - I enjoyed reading more about it at your blog too. A wonderful thing to breath such life into 50ish year old toy soldiers. The colours are very thematic and the skin tones are great!

20 points on the board and I'm looking forward to watching this project progress.

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. I really like the skin tone there, it looks spot on. I may suggest a bit more highlight and shadow, but I understand that you were trying to keep it to a toy look so get why you didn't, and man the base skin colour is perfect!

    1. Thank you sir! You got it correct. If I highlight more than I will have to do that to the whole miniature so I will slip off the Toy Soldier feeling.I tried to catch the "redskins" feeling..Not too Caucasian not too brown. I'm happy it worked out :)

  2. Beautiful work George! I love the vibrancy of the colours and Byron is right the skin tone is marvelous. What is your recipe?

    1. Thank you Curt! I 've used Citadel " Ratskin Flesh" lightly washed with Army Painter's "Flesh tone". Then a light repainting with the base colour to tone up ( a bit) some places for highlight.

    2. Perfect! I'll have to give that a whirl. Thanks George!

  3. Those are awesome George, certainly reminds me of my childhood in the late 60s.

  4. Brilliant toy soldiers, you have captured the feel very well! They have a very toy soldier look but at the same time they have obviously been very well painted, if you get my meaning. Well done!

    1. Thank you sir. I'm glad to see that my plan for them is achieved :)

  5. I feel 7 years old again, well done.

  6. Great work, they look fantastic.

  7. Magic, proper old school toy soldier look 👌
    Regards KenR
