Wednesday 6 January 2021

by JeremyM: Ork Boss (25 points)

  Hi All,

I am one of Curt's gaming buddies from here in Regina Saskatchewan Canada. He has been gracious enough to extend an invite to me again, despite me often dropping the ball on my painting in past years. But this time its different I swear! Okay well I have at least taken a few extra days off this New Year so I'll hopefully get a bit closer to my target than previous years.

In fact I am nearly done my side duel with Mr. Campbell to paint 100 points of 40k figures but I figured its far better to start with my cost of entry to the painting challenge and then worry about getting on the map, even before I drop my duel post (guess I did that a bit backwards). So here is the shot across your bow Curt hopefully buying you a little bit of time to respond before my imperial guardsmen shine their flashlights of doom upon you.

So what I have here is a 3d printed a 28mm Ork boss and he will be my price of entry to the challenge. Since a fellow local gamer PeterD is starting an ork army I thought it would be best to gift it to him as part of this year's challenge. But wait...there may be another fellow waiting for you later on Peter depending on how my progress through the chambers goes.

I called him Gold Tooth which was a bit of inspiration that hit while painting. You can find this guy and his friends...another of whom might make an appearance....on thingiverse here

Thus starts my challenge this year with a grandspanking 5 points. Best of luck painting everyone!


Welcome Jeremy  - a great start to the Challenge. I love the fact that you both printed and painted this fig yourself for Peter, and even more that you have just derailed the Snowlord's painting cue through wonderful distraction.  Have yourself a tot o' rum!

25 points for you, including the 20 points for your Curtgeld figure.

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. Welcome back to the Challenge Jeremy!

    'Goldtoof' is brilliant and will be a nice addition to Peter's (slowly) growing force of Orks.

    You will probably catch me flat-footed as I've been, um, distracted by other th...


    I'll get your prize figure started in a bit... :)

    1. You never know Curt, a GW squirrel could run by at any minute...

  2. Wow, great looking Ork Jeremy! Thank you very much as he will be very much needed in my Greenskin gang. I have some of your 3D prints set t9 go later in the Challenge for him to lead.

    One quick question for the Snowlord, this now makes two Curtgelds coming my way. Is this legal? Am I shorting another challenger of a prize? Should I do two Curtgelds? How should we handle this your frostiness?

    1. Don't worry, we'll macgyver something up. You'er such a popular boy. Nobody's offered to paint me anything... :P

    2. I may be willing to sacrifice a little friend of this fellow to another challenge participant...assuming I can make it that far in the chambers.

  3. Great work Jeremy, and welcome to the Challenge!!

  4. Super looking ork, so surely it's 25 points for the figure and the curtgeld? Your popular Peter,perhaps everyone else can send you their curtgelds?!
    Best Iain

  5. Great work Jeremy and welcome to the challenge. As for the figure it is very well done, and I am sure Peter will love it. Make sure you put several layers of clear coat to protect it though as doesn't Peter have a habit of throwing figures around??? or am I misremembering / misassinging blame? :-)

    1. No, you're good Byron. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hey I am normally safe with my own figures......

    4. I dunno Peter lots of little blades on that chain sword, easy sweater fodder. Cheers!

  6. Great figure and painting! I love those clear and pop colours!

  7. That's a very nice ork (if such a thing exists)! Vibrant fellow.

  8. Tasty Ork you have there, I'm sure Peter will be delighted.
