Wednesday 6 January 2021

Cap'n Wednesday assuming (temporary) Command!

Thats right you scurvy dogs, its Wednesday minion time! I've got ample stocks of rum aboard and a newly tied cat o'nine tails ready to see us through :-) We're going to keep it ship-shape and Bristol fashion on hump days - and no humpday Camels either! Not all of us have a dromedary fetish you know...

Great to see the flurry of entries and a booming start to Season XI. Lots of lockdowns, cancelled holidays and time at home (enforced or otherwise) to thanks for that I suspect - great to see everyone doing so much hobby as an outlett.

Might I also suggest that taking some time to peruse others' entries and leave comments is as much part of the Challenge as our own submissions are. So please do take the time in your posts to put a few details about techniques you've tried, or why you may have gone with particular colour choices.  This allows the community engagement that makes AHPC special, and lets others provide constructive comments and advice. I know that I have learned a lot here and am a much better  painter for the experience.

OK, thats enough rambling - back to it or they'll be keelhaulings!


  1. Well, that woke me up on a Wednesday!
    Best Iain

  2. Wow! Someone else that listens to Alestorm! Awesome band, but am terribly disappointed about no Camels on hump day...

    1. Absolutely - such a great band!
      There be no Ships of the Desert at sea you know :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Will do Peter - I do enjoy my minion days :-)
      You too!

  4. A great opening volley, Capn!

    Noted about the commenting. Thanks for the reminder. Working on my backlog now, sir!

    1. Thank you, Commodore Curt
      You can now wear a big feathery hat if you wish!

  5. Good to know we have someone keeping the ship on course.
