Wednesday 20 March 2019

From TeemuL: Sporting Elfs, Squirrel 11 (15 points)

Let's go all the way to the eleven, shall we? On Squirrel count I mean. These three fellows with my Sport entry give 25+ points on Blood Bowl. I might have been able to get a Squirrel or two if I'd have more time (more than three months?), but after that I would have run out of miniatures of different genres - only more WH40K, AoS, Oldhammer. LotR and that sort of things.

Bright blue eyes, very happy with them

I'm also aiming to the top spot of the Under 1K class. :)

These are metal recasts (by GW) of old metals, which I bought last year. I went for a bright and happy look, and I guess I got it. I might need to tidy them up a bit, the bases need more Goblin Green and there are some messes and misses here and there. At least if you take a closer look.

Sorry for the blurry picture

Today I also paid the participation fee, I donated 10 euros for the charity through Finn Church and I believe Curt got a nice e-card for that as well in his email box. So Curtgeld accomplished as well. That's now all for this challenge, in the coming days I try to take a group picture of all the minis painted during this three month.


"Blue eyes, blue eyes,
How can you tell,
So many lies"

Whoops, did I just type that out bold? Must have got caught up in the moment.

Very crisp painting on these pointy-eared do-gooders Teemu.


  1. A classic team- not my favourite sculpts, but a lovely paintjob.

  2. Nice bunch of pointy eared footballers!
    Best Iain

  3. Classics! Great job Teemu. Yes! I received the lovely card indicating your donation. A wonderful charity Teemu.

  4. Great figs Teemu. They kinda look like the rich kids that I used to hate in high school, the ones with the expensive clothes, cars and girls...
