Sunday 19 March 2023

DavidB: D&D Detritus from the desk (points 215)


I actually put down my brushes a few hours ago, but computers, photos, typing....
The following have resided on my desk for most of the challenge getting licks of paint from the wet pallet between color changes.

First up is a group of fighter types for my son's D&D game. These are NPCs, PCs, or whatever else he has planned as all are sourced by himself.

A group of rogues 

Cleric and Paladin types

Monks....He requested Avatar the Last Airbender colors for them. They were each selected for a elemental power by him based on a show we used to watch together.
From the left- Air, Fire, Earth, and Water.

A couple of mages who seem to have devil blood in them hence the horns and tails.

The whole group together with some showing off the fancy cloaks. They are all base coated in contrast/speed paints and highlighted up in acrylic. 

Some monsters from Reaper Bones for use in Silver Bayonet, Frost Grave, and Star Grave or wherever a toothy monster is needed

I really like the fanged beast on the right as he will definitely be used to challenge samurai

A displacer beast and a beholder

The Beholder is now mine as my son has two I painted last year and was just informed that this new one is now Dad's for payment of painting all the D&D stuff for him this AHPC.

Gotta have creepy mind flayers to challenge a party.

One seems to be an assassin type

My wife found these at the FLGS and added to my pile.
A Saint Bernard cleric, Golden Retriever wizard, Dachshund sorcerer, Blue Heel ranger, Beagle barbarian, .....and the Chihuahua is of course a rogue( I'm certain he is a murder-hobo)

They do have a lot of chacter and my wife intends on using the St Bernard in my son's games 

And she got some felines too. A Dragon Li monk, Ragdoll bard, Persian warlock, Korat paladin, Norwegian Forest druid, and my wife's dream cat... A Main Coon fighter

They are just as cute as the doggos.

43 D&D figures 215 points
1 beholder for 10
225 points for part 1


Geez, your son is sooo lucky to have a wonderful dad who will paint his minis in such style (and quantity!). Good on you, David. Oh, and I especially like the doggos....

- Curt


  1. An amazing array of odd figures- just brilliant

  2. A nice varied group, well done! And you got paid for doing them!

  3. Very nice collection, David! I like the dwarf, hè has a very Gimli vibe. The vibrant colours on these figures work very well. Good job!

  4. Love them. Your son is very lucky

  5. Lovely varied D&D collection!
    Best Iain
