Friday 20 March 2020

From JonathanO: Hawkins' Hill - 15mm Classical Indian Bowmen (78 points)

I really struggled on the climb up Hawkins' Hill and my journey around Challenge Island has been less than rapid.  From the hill I could see an Ancient Indian Army starting to gather.  The first to appear was a unit of bowmen.

With the route down the hill and towards the Snow Lord's Peak now blocked, I decided to take the less traveled path towards O'Grady's Gulch.


These are Forged In Battle 15mm miniatures.  I had over 100 infantry originally primed and ready for Challenge VII .  I managed to get this unit of 24 finished for 48 points plus the 30 bonus.  The rest are very close to completion, but may not quite make it for tomorrow's deadline.  However, I do hope to post another short report or two before the end of the Challenge tomorrow.

Classical Indians seem to have been a rather popular choice of army over the last few Challenges. You've done a great job on these archers.
