Friday 20 March 2020

From NoelW: Is this the finishing line? (680 Points)

So my target with this last post is 669 points, which, if achieved will scrape me a bare 5000 points for the whole Challenge. Let's see:

Firstly, 27 Carthaginians to oppose the Romans I've previously posted (Victrix figures, Little Big Man shield decals):

And then, the remains of my 15mm Austrians, who've been waiting since this time last year. There's infantry (jagers, line and grenadiers), a total of 75 figures:

And "Hungarian", or light, cavalry - one large regiment of hussars and two smaller ones, plus a regiment of uhlans, 55 figures:

Then there's the remainder of the orcs I began somewhere on Challenge Island (17 GW figures):

When I buy artillery set, I've a bad habit of painting up the gun crew but leaving the guns alone - they need assembly, and are boring to paint. (I give the crew the nearest possible substitute gun from a different army). So I've a backlog of guns. Here's 8 of them:

These are all 28mm Perrys British Napoleonic guns. The 4 on the left are from the British forces in Egypt. To prevent the wheels sinking in sand, they were protected by wood tied to the rims. The other 4 are from the Waterloo period.

Finally, a little bit of point grubbing. The following three pictures are are "finished", as far as it goes. The first is a single velite who failed to attend the muster in a previous post.

These are four of the sepoys I finished along with a previous post, but, as you can see, they're Ensigns without their standards. I was hoping I'd figure out what they should be carrying, and make the flags, but have not found relevant info, so the figures stand alone.

And finally, a xebec. I'd painted this by week 2 of the challenge but, as you can see, it still lacks rigging and sails. So, technically, it's not finished so maybe not pointworthy. It's smaller than a Black Sails brig.

Whether the sepoys without standards and the xebec without sails are legal for points, I'm not sure. The velite is merely a figure missed from a previous post.

So, what's the scores on the doors?

8 guns at 10 points: 80 pts
75 15mm infantry: 150 pts
55 15mm cavalry: 220 pts
27 28mm Carthaginians: 135 pts
17 28mm orcs: 85 pts
1 28mm velite: 5 pts
Sepoys and xebec Any bonus points??? I leave this to my trusty minion.

TOTAL:  675 points



Good Gravy Noel, do you ever sleep?! You know, I really can't process all this right now, it's all so bewildering and... numerous! I'll simply say, wow, 5000 points, this is tremendous output Noel. If you went pro you've put a few Far Eastern sweatshops out of business.  

Let's round this mob to an even 680 and call it a cease fire? :)




  1. How on Earth...?

    Amazing stuff, Noel, simply amazing!

  2. WTF. Noel this is amazing. You have painted everything ans been everywhere, twice.
    I would hang up a white flag but you've painted them all

  3. I am with the guys above, you once explained to me how you get so much output done, but I just can't get my head round it... Oh and I am finally catching up with my reading to find you have published an article on Pirates in Black Seas for WI's february issue on top of the painting! You are truly a machine...

  4. What a fantastic way to finish, Noel - great job on all of these. :)

  5. Curt: your bemusement is understandable! I apologise for failing to deliver my intend of keeping production low - but I will point out it's 1000 pts less than last year!
    Evan, Barks, Tamsin: Thanks. Thanks also for all the many supportive comments along the way.
    MartinC: I'm glad you're not too miffed. I do owe you quite a lot, though, as having a hard-working rival is always a spur to action (and I'd point out that you're full time in the job I'm now retired from, so your efforts essentially eclipse mine).
    Sander: thanks. The main criterion for productivity is manic OCD, I think! As for the WI article, you should find other Black Seas articles in the current Miniature Wargames and the previous Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy. (And more planned).

    1. Very gracious, as always Noel. Well done.

  6. Wow what a way to go out. Love the Punic types!

  7. Fantastic effort, excellent work all round!
    Best Iain
