Friday 20 March 2020

From PeteF: Gribbley Brains on-a-stick (20 points)

It's been a crazy final furlong for Challenge X - and my Nightstalkers army has seen a lot of progress in the last few days. Contrast paints have helped with the speed and I'm happy with how all the units look ranked up - all sort of purply, pinky and bluish. It's going to be fun to get them on the table.

These two lovelies are Mind Screeches. They are one of the monsters available to the Nightstalkers faction - they have quite a few spells available to them - Lightning Bolt to deal out damage, Mind Fog to cause the enemy unit to test its morale (who wouldn't need their morale tested when zapped by a flying brain?) and Wind Blast which can be used to blow the opposing unit backwards (perhaps out of its charge range) or sideways (maybe off an objective). I'm really looking forward to seeing how they do as part of the army.

Clue 1: Grave

Clue 2: A bucket of pig's blood. Spilled.

Both the horror movie clues are for the same classic movie. Looking at the bucket of blood I think it might need a handle, length of rope and a face down prom king to complete the picture. The bucket itself was 3D printed as I couldn't find one in my box of bits or online.  The blood flowing out of it used Woodland Scenics water effects and Citadel Blood for the Blood God paint. For those of my fellow challengers who do not enjoy horror - I apologize for this project and hope you've been able to scroll through these entries without paying them too much attention.

Not sure how best to score these gribbley goobers - they measure about 100mm from tentacle tip to the pointy bit at the top of their carapace. Maybe 10 points a "head" - but I'll leave it to Curt (or his minions) to judge.

Now, that is a gribbley horror. I'll assume it is a similar size to your previous entry and score it as a 40mm figure.


Edit- scoring updated. I'd somehow failed to spot that there were two of these and have now been told how tall they are - 10 points each = 20 points total.


  1. Wonderful alien gribblies!

  2. Yuck! Well done. but I'll pass on these kebabs.

  3. Thanks for all the minioning Tamsin - these two gribbles are about 10cm tall so I thought maybe 10 points each - it's not for me - it's for the cumulative total of the group ;-).

    1. I somehow missed that there were two of them. And didn't realise how big they were - I'll up your score for them.

  4. Nasty alien looking horrors! Nice!
    Best Iain
