Friday 20 March 2020

From TamsinP: WW2 Scatter and Lardy JOPs (16 points)

Following on from the small scale buildings, I decided it was a good time to clear some other small bits and bobs that were in the queue. I started off by beginning to paint a single figure (flesh, hair and gloves finished; everything else base-coated) that will appear later as my last post. Unless I find I have time between finishing him and doing minion duties to paint something else.

But then I decided to quickly switch to something else. You may recall that back in January I had *finished* my WW2 British airborne. Well, here are a few bits of scatter terrain for use with them:

These are all resin pieces from 1st Corps.

While those were on the table, it made sense to also paint up the set of Jump Off Point markers (JOPs) from the Too Fat Lardies.

And a photo of all the pieces together:

The bases are pretty minimal for now, but I will be "terrainifying" them at some point after the Challenge ends.

As for scoring these, I will leave that up to the minion who looks after this post.


As Tamsin has been hard at work keeping us honest and on the rails, I thought I'd step up to minion her posts today. 

Very nice work Tamsin! These are perfect examples that a hobby project is never truly done. I particularly like the open wicker container and its cousin that still has its chute harness attached. Very cool markers.

Let's call these 2 points a piece for 16 total.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with later today.
